Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Rustic Frenchcountry Wedding Ideas

Looking back at old photo albums I found some pictures I made during a visit to L'Oceanographic Park in Valencia. This impressive aquarium represents different marine habitats, with more than 500 different species of fish, mammals, birds, invertebrates and reptiles. Like all the places you go for the first time and with little time that is trying to cross it as quickly as possible so you can barely see it and enjoy it or dwelling on those small details. From that day could have chosen any other photo that since it is a really impressive place, but I'll take three. The Flemish have always been one of my favorite birds, I love them their elegance and the way to go as a ballet dancer, in addition to that position so beautiful they have to sleep or eat. In the first of the pictures seem to be observed as a spatulas while posing the Scarlet Ibis photographed and shown outside it.


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