Vidosa Bridge is a beautiful heart rural Council located in the heart specifically Place Beyos gorge at that point we began the ascent to the Rock Hall by the so-called "Path of the portfolio." To do this, continue along the N-625 towards León until we found a sign on your right and a path carved into the mountain in a place known as Busmaedi, there exits a path in a thousand and one reaches the village revolts pongueta of Biamón. Slowly we are picking up and the path is showing us breathtaking views of the gorge Beyos and surrounding mountains. Finally we reached the village of Biamón increasingly abandoned, their homes and granaries plummet by neglect. It is sad to see these people that once were full of life are being killed by neglect. After a visit to the village continue along the track without any difficulty except the gradient leads to the village of Casielles and more specifically to his church and the hostel. Above the church will find a path that runs parallel to high voltage line and that no loss is circling the mountain until it finally reaches the buoy Campiello, a small hill between the Rock Hall on our right and The Forcaos to our left. From there and contemplate the mountains of Place: Tiatordos, Recuencu, Rasu, Collado del Zorro, Ten, polypropylene and many more. There is also the path we go down then to make the move, but we must take another rise in short time leads us to the top of the Rock Hall (1,243 m). Impressive vertical drop on the people of Viboli and Viego ponguetos and impressive views of both peaks as the Place of Amieva and Western Massif of the Picos de Europa.Tras a long stop to get your strength back on our heels to return Campiello the buoy and then take the path that leads down to the Collada Basieñu, from there we went to La Llana to penetrate in a way that goes into Baxeñu Mount, a beautiful spot with more fairy tale. Finally out of the woods to go down the road from Puente Viego addresses Vidosa by Ferreru channels and Los carbayal. For me it's always a pleasure to return to Place to enjoy the mountains and the people of this great council. A beautiful circular walk around the Rock Hall.
route sheet
Departure: Vidosa Bridge (Set-Asturias)
Place of arrival: Vidosa Bridge
Tour: Vidosa Bridge - Path Postman - Biamón - Casielles - Rock Hall - Collada Basieñu
Monte Baxeñu - Viego Road / Bridge Vidosa - Bridge Vidosa
miles traveled: 12.22 km .
ascent: 919 meters
Height output: 294 meters
Hours: Total: 6:20
Difficulty: Easy
route Track:
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