Dear friends and colleagues:
After a brief recess, the online magazine Sequoyah returns to fulfill the task has been assigned: the promotion and dissemination of literature. The agenda for this year's January-May is configured with the following 75 CONTENT et al.
Baruch Spinoza
This is Spinoza's God or Nature
the editor and a poem to Baruch Spinoza
Yván Silén
Gonzalo Rojas / (Elegy for the living)
Juan Manuel Pérez Álvarez
The key Homeland
Jorge Majfud
The irrelevance of reason
Edgar Borges Antonio Gómez Rufo to the global crisis:
"The solution is to reset city, ideological and educational"
Marcos Aguinis
Ayn Rand's courage
Alejandro Drewes
About La Ermita de Oscar Portela
In the farewell
Legat / Heritage
steps lead you
Oscar Portela
La Ermita / (II Party Offertory of Mists)
Hölderlin and Celan: an essay on the melancholy
Rolando Revagliatti
Fanny Jaretón
A blind
Gloria Eugenia Lemus
Saul Sanchez Toro
haibun of Grief
Ana Lucía Rendón Montoya
haibun of Grief Carlos Lopez Dzur
The ghost that travels the world
Frag. 2
Frag. 4. Martínez Ektor
White Baroja
My fig
Les invited to read and work, by visiting:
Collaborations sent by e-mail: ____
The most beautiful experience of the human / Cucumber Painters / Carlos López Dzur: Theory of sustainability / Canto the secrecy / Codice: Interviews with Writers on Tour Kool Active / KoolTourActiva / Symposium / Sonia Fritz / Word on the Plaza / Collection Wonder / the Lopez Dzur: Index / Theory of sustainability
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