For Frederick Albert Higgs, Ph D. / University of California
The book
El primero es también claro en el epígrafe que lo introduce: «La Santa Alianza fue concertada en París en 1815 entre Rusia, Austria y Prusia, para sofocar las aspiraciones nacionalistas de las pequeñas naciones subyugadas». Una denuncia anti-imperialista sobre cómo el pez grande se come al pequeño y cómo se juntan las grandes potencias para lograrlo. La perversidad es que llaman santa its alliance predatory, exploitative and profit. The second text is no different: CLD the rails against the mountaineering. Now his criticism focuses on the excuses and religious masks predators.
"Mountaineering is a toxic ideology, an opiate," the poet talked us in order to clarify why they used so bitterly to this topic as a movement infiltrated the interior of the early Christian communities. The mountain turned into what is often called, then a 'movement revived "and López Dzur asks « Revival of what? if the Christian communities primitives needed it for anything. Montano had nothing to teach, but to distort his own eschatological visions toxic and what they knew about the spirit and communal style of life and civic virtue. " I I use as references to his comments offered and recorded dialogues and conferences of the poet to graduate students at the universities of Chapman and UCI, as well as personal interviews and informal talks with Jewish groups in Agenda Workshops Social Studies, Tikkum, during the period of his secondment from 2005 to 2009.
Dzur López argues that the mountaineers of preaching apocalypse (end of time is about in a very short time, pending the Parousia ) is the preaching of the Divine as Axe slayer and mower and that doctrine is "the voice that kills the Christ (...) ultramontane " and" hurts "social geometry " with his murderous boasts. " In texts like "The ax of No" as in "Mountain" and "The terror is" proposes:
Do not listen to the gallunga
and people who kill, that Martin
and say NO NO to another bunch ultramontane.
[ "The ax of No" ]
be offered resounding rejection of the idea that "the Wolf comes and bites a lambs' rejection of the Phrygian Montano that" insists "that:
the Kingdom comes and fucks Terror, the Lord
Harvest haste. NO
a candy
about Tertullian
assaults, said Martinez Pascual,
Jew and a liar, his farewell
and Port-au-Prince because he stinks too
is rough
pestilence and lack of lament and
Candle honest fear.
[ "The terror is" ]
to explain that he not ask, your words of Tertullian, Pascual Martínez and Haiti, explains:
"It is important that reference in my context of the toxicity of another mountaineer ideology is more or less similar, Martin. Are doctrines that are used for the same purpose deterrent against the ideas of freedom and well-being ... In the days of the French Revolution, influence of encyclopedic dates and the formation of the first American colony. U.S. and on the independence of Haiti, as Joachim Martinez Pasqually individuals stand as counter-ideologues ... How Martinique, Joachim, is much more refined because it is a Kabbalist, mystic, who knows the pros and cons of the encyclopedic and vulgar materialism of the decadent Europe and hunting ruthless and repressive white those who put down the Paris Commune, was a true democracy, and those who, under the pretext of the Revolution French and Haitian leaders ill, got drunk with lust for antisocial and executed on the guillotine, or barbarism Caribbean, whom they felt like it and people who did not deserve it ... but the influence of Treaty reintegration of beings, J. Martinez served as an inspiration to Scottish Freemasonry is near as dangerous as the prophetic mountaineer ... The early Christian tradition not receptacles were considered divine ... They were simple and humble, as I say in my poem, wanted to "extend the soul / and longer because of (his) being and oil the morning," that is, they wanted to live. They wanted the world community not to come to terrorize another "end of man on the world" and certainly to those mystics transmundane as Joachim Martinez, ask, as I ....¿ how holy rejected woodworm " the marriage of the substance with the heavens, how awkward truth or explanatory notes read his lie? " Or wait us out of my mountains, if we are already transcendent? ... The answer is true super-elitism ... Ah, I'm the new Paraclete! and alleged Montano, I have the truth on the handle. I am a visionary. In me are the highlights and revealed all secrets ... and if not do what I say, Holy Wrath is soon ... That kind of sticks-Fear doctrine dates from the year 177, came from Lyon (France) and was in Rome and in Africa to the year 205 AD and is so stupid that we are still awaiting the arrival of the Parousia and World's End ... still are the Adventists and the Pentecostals, the heirs of those doctrines, they are spent preaching the imminent fear World was finished, penitential disciplines and not be by the action of social justice, less than the ultra-right Christian Zionism and U.S. bill .... Maximilla are still modern and Priscilla, Beaton, in pululeo and look for girls who do not teach your legs or put lip color because of these crafty sexual repression, religious and political instructor of a self-tormenting preparation to gain more merit before God comes sitting in his stellar dust cloud ... Montanism emphatically instructed to be fasting, xerophagy (abstaining from food areas), marital chastity, not marriage a second time, not to pardon renamed a Christian and not what it once was, or who it was and left the faith and, more herejéticamente, the Catholic Church condemned for denying the divine nature of hierarchies and orthodoxies within the institution ... Tertullian was one of those who supported the movement, at the end of his life, after he spit on them both ... But let me point out something about neomontanistas versions, as the Martin is a ... They want the same thing: a forum exoteric to gesture as 'enlightened', to believe that communicate with invisible beings that endow them supreme holiness and train for a state of perfection. That way, his authority as individuals shall not be questioned because they are regenerated by these Super-Powers invisible ... What on earth does not work. It is a haven from the original state so it must be liberated from earthly and track who has regenerative techniques carnal man. Now the 'illuminati' is the owner of the Lodge and the custodian of certain rituals ... o New Temples ... In short, there is something intuitively leads me to Martinez, his mysterious life and travel, a megalomaniac who was happy to be called "Great Sovereign or the Sovereign of sovereigns," and my question is, what and why? Surely, if you went to Haiti, it was up to no good ... or the project would be the same for which Montano infiltrated religious communities and alienate neutralize politically. "
Regarding this last issue of Abraham, his book relates to the biblical kingdom of reference and Abram, the father who, for a term of faith, lift an ax to kill his eldest son Isaac on the heights of Mount Moriah. With its imaginative reworking craftsmanship and poetic expression, Carlos López Dzur begins to unravel the implications of the act or attempted murder, and their motivations. This task is philosophical the word while going to the relationship between the ontological and the true meaning of life and its specific natural framework in existence and human value systems that seek their protection.
The book is not the prosecution of the prophet Abraham attempted murder because the ritual is just a metaphor that is preserved in the Genesis and, as such, is that CCD reveal its richness. Primarily, the contents of the poems is an examination lopezuriano some value systems, as they are internally inconsistent showing in the task by alleging that they have been created. View the first part of the book, which has titled "Memoirs of the Cave" critical prosecution include: the illegitimacy of the Oblate / sacrifice / and the absolute omniconclusivos [is already "by civil liability as admitted and declared ').
In the poem "The father and the Axe ', it states that " The good is not an absolute value. " The text 'sacrifice and the offering', criticism is directed towards nominalism, the sensationalism and all that it takes "in desperadum" priori, as a fad.
There is a critical "poor shadow / of humanity" that permeates such ideologies, blind fans of Thrasymachus, to ultramontanes, fundamentalists, Martin, who together CLD scoffers called the shadow . Or vultures hienas y alianza de subyugamiento, cuando se agrupan como dirigencias de naciones. Estos sistemas de valores convierten al hablante de los textos en la Voz del No legítimo que pide que el hacha se detenga y se dirija hacia otra víctima.
Cuando el hacha del sacrificio pasa de mano, CLD se identifica con el Abram que sufre por la petición que Jehová le hiciera. La identificación es profunda y la prueba es el texto 'El hacha de Carlos Abram'. Mientras Abram obedeció sin chistar el mandato de su fe, Carlos Abram hace sus pertinentes solicitudes de negociación. «El Hacha que Carlos Abram propuso como útil, preparada a-la-mano, / presente, como su objeto given / withdrawn Carlos know your lonco / when you-in-common, / the son of my dream, / Desire. " What is negotiated is a blessing to the children, the Carlos
be Abram of the texts is not a perfect parent.
With lends irony to tell his own story, his personal sacrifice on Mount Moriah and using their own ax. Ax is now a symbol of a cleaning tool and conceptual understanding. "With self-righteous, legalistic, / formal logic or moral Judeo-Christian, / I lay down on banditry, / but I saw the future, I saw / the perfect children no longer come to wallow in the mud / or identity disturbances / are given foundations, I bless you / and tell them the last / (time of Axe / and the top of Moriah) / with a little future. "
So to tell his own story as a parent fleeing in banditry, dissolution of marriage with a woman for being wrong and the incompatibility between them, CLD concludes that despite this, the vision of what desired is possible. It is possible the spirit of prophecy which displays the perfect children, joyful and without mismatches, the children well grounded, they can understand their background, to forgive and live the present with its "little future." After uttering against formal logic, legalism and moral Judeo-Christian As inferred from the father is her nature and countercultural protest. It is the dogmatic Abram Carlos attached his name. It's a typical father of the Generation of Baby Boomers .
The book is divided into four parts: (1) Proceedings of the cave, (2) We fell macacoa, (3) Traffic between hyenas and (4) Consolations of Agar.
Dzur To López, the human creature has an infinite appetite and light, vision betrays the limitations of their physical nature and pressure of necessity. This generic Abram his book loves his son, their wives, their community, but live in "Cave Rock Me same. " This may be a reference to the flesh, the earthiness, the dependence of the gross or ontic in general. Meat is the realm of necessity and disorientation, individually and collectively. This man wants a "house of certainty" for your child, or to construct the ideology of hope, but given its condition, it does not. Of the poems speak clearly on this point out: "mutatis mutandis Cave," "Blessing of the children" and "The caverns of the belief."
Cave rock / cave / speaks of historical poverty and hard circumstance. The caves were the first home / home or hostel / of primitive humanity. The cave is "satiated even with simulations / aches and pains and my own." This is the description of human nature in their environment. Is why Abram discovers that his son Isaac inherited by their failure, not with the abundance and fullness you want to give. "I found / I could not take what he deserves / and suffered as anyone."
The book gives a memory of what living in a cave world where man follows with a supposedly modern and archaic instinct of adaptation and learning problems. The individual is instructed in this ideology of power and dehumanization. CLD talks about the origin of civilization, the history of the past, but the caves are still present espiritualmnmte and forced cohabitation of colonialism and cultural genocide does not go out of style.
But to say that we are given a memory, it implies that there is a lead voice or Rapporteur gives. That's Carlos Abram, whose silent voice is the initial Abram-biblical. This is the relation of ritual murder which did not materialize. Charles Abram who gives an interpretation of fact. Abraham is the neophyte who enters unwittingly to a process magical. CDL , Carlos through Abram, an Abraham on Mount Moriah contemporary, representing the speaker text "The secret of Fortune." Or the speaker Blaise Pascal.
The cry that is contained in the first poem is the revelation of Liberty and Order, at second place, "my tribute to Blaise Pascal, the message is that we should not seek a conceptual god or prophets who call to have an ax in his hand, or sustain a system of holocausts. In contrast, the living god inspired aesthetics of magic and splendor. Faith is the vision of a burning bush, a living experience that can be revealed. Not a puzzle that does not break the brain, theoretical and logificante god '
I Eleutherio the Liberator, I'll give you fortune.
Son of promise, then, prepared as
the persuasive word. Defend
land when you go to because there are hard and sinister demons, bestial men
, where you arrive.
heroic You know when you can.
not ask you to cut heads,
you are the guillotine, camera ardente,
gallows, gallows, electric chair. Do not make others
repressive apparatus and the police, the soldier, the vengeful soldiers.
urdas not violence against others.
not be tortured or phalanx or guerrilla.
alone, because there Ennomus Order.
[ The secret of Fortune ]
understood, the entire book we see that ethics is concerned with policy, [it Ennomus] and at the same time, with aesthetics. It's funny that a comment from CLD on what is most important in judging the myth of the Sacrifice of Isaac by Abraham, if the ethical or aesthetic, it observed:
"The act is intended to make aesthetic Abram. It is a drama of Eleutherio Cleanup with his neighbor, someone you love, who is like a son. Eleutherio is Tike / Fortune, or the spokesman of magic. Reperesentar usually as a woman with many names ... So Tike may be the Father, or the Voice test the obedience of Abraham ... In the poem The Secret of Fortune says 'I am the father, Keter-Zeus-Jupiter, but in the end, rather than nominalism. " Archetypal Father talks to son to give fortune, order and blessing. Asked to defend the Eunomia, which is a matter of ethics and politics, but they also break away from the bestial and blind automation, reveals a salvation, which he called the first gift and salvation ... The poem reads: "Identify them. She lives in gardens. Call her Soteira Tyche, Salvadora, and Agathe Tyche, Good Fortune. It is the first gift you'll come to land and float on my lotus. " This is because beauty and magic ... What is really there to kill, if anything? Does the child Isaak, who was beloved of his father? The symbol of the offering is always something that is very dear to the sacrificer. What it really means is a Deliverer, Father of the size of Keter Jehovah, Zeus or Jupiter, ask the head or the death of her child. What's the point? Aesthetics in vacant, yeah, the idea is to gloss over the value of faith and obedience of harmonization, but in a magical sense, that is, beyond all literalism and nominalism. Faith is not naive and automatic reaction. Is an understanding. "
Later, we discovered that Isaac, the sacrificial offering, "sweet and gentle breeding" is a symbol of the soul : "If the soul is much more, / how to know? / "As argued / these similarities, / metaphors of love child? " In other poems, he speaks of the soul as " the hijificado " in history and being intimate.
CLD is interesting how uses the story of Abram, contextualizing philosophically Platonic myth Caverns. Plato uses the cave to talk about freedom and the ideas emerging in the human psyche.
Despite these strong criticisms of the mountaineering and Martinique, CLD does not feel it has the least tinge of atheism or anti-Christian in his vision. It's just a personal interpretation, but paradoxical and front face, many people proposing a personal God, salvation, the end of contingencies, with the intention of making her well, and is the one most damaging, to become more fanatical persecutor. This is what makes their aesthetic vagabond and a theme that I propose to comment, being so central in his book. What vagabond? I find that the desired response had been given in a commentary published on him in the first edition of July 2010 the magazine dee Sequoyah 63. he said,
"About metaphorical perception I have of the vagabond ... As the dominant tropes in this book, you'll note the irony. These cagazones the changa, or muddy in macacoa is ironic and aesthetic characteristics we use in the title is not lying to you gross, rude and ignorant, inspiring character of the texts. vacant is an adjective to refer people boorish qualities, zoquetera and pestle. But I want to talk to some of the silly nonsense, or perhaps my aesthetic are fools, it is as a way to appraise and appreciate what is vital ... I like the vital substance of Existence, which is not crude or ignorant, implicit in the word 'vagabond' ... I like the word 'vagabond' sound because of its proximity to 'monster' ... In everyday life, rather than monsters, teratology, or monsters like those of science fiction, Frankenstein, King Kong, so there are moral monsters ... People are ignorant, like 'entertainment' to be defaced, veiled, the ugly monster like body, as something terrible to the aesthetics of normality. To me, that's depressing. LikeIn the first part, there is a poem entitled House of lusts, I think the final poem, which reads:
enhances vitality, snooping, but he dares to live with the seemingly formidable ... more monsters do not interest me that those who predict Victor Hugo when he said that prosperity creates monsters and, well ... I'm interested in monsters, do not seem such, but they speak as such ... I think Jerry Falwell, the evangelist serpent's tongue when he says: "These Islamic fundamentalists, these terrorist radicals, those monsters of the Middle East, are intent on destroying the Jewish nation, sunk in the Mediterranean, conquering the world. " Falwell is a moral monster of fanaticism and excess. It is an unacknowledged mountaineer. Talk like a ... Francisco de Goya
said Fantasy, abandoned by reason, it is unlikely that produces monsters; that sleep of reason produces monsters, but, together with the reason, fantasy (and this if I remember literally) is "mother of the arts and the origin of marvels." great thing about this is that Goya reflection reason and imagination must work together. The monster form of disunity, the reason or fantasy. Then, the two were guilty of monstrous shape, that is, the vagabond ... You have to depart from what becomes extreme in its most common forms, order and status quo and mere mirror of what exists.
I have a strange poem that inspired the ugliness of the toad and in some ways, this story says a princess kisses the frog happy, which basically is a prince, and restores its beauty. That's what I think the man should be: a prince kissed, loved, for his disenchantment ... And Toad another well, that of my poem in this book, to deserve "the bill meek girls, groaning more melodic / harp and most noble of desire "not to croak awkwardly, or the man not to laugh like a hyena, but to give melodious sound of the harp, to be disliked, fighting, hypocrisy and lies of the mirrors in he looks and from which the majority they deem boorish, filthy and undesirable, and that there is nothing more than 5.000 years in the "cradle of male / ax, offenders' history of violent wells ... It should say NO to the ends and in particular, false "moral purification" they represent:
scourge crime and provided by the inquisitors, smarties
agarrapendejos, blasphemous.
A NO to protect against mockery
and holy and pure.
You still time, my lover. Penumbas
cycle continues.
The cave is the home of the infidel
house Call me a bitch and vulva
of Asia proconsular of tyrants.
About three and two make five,
Chahuistle I fell and I fucked the changa.
as booty taken my body
Arabs and Turks
and not give me
hitting its last gasp.
thorns remind each of them, except you;
me, for you, I was a rose.
The silver threads,
melt my moons and against the years, yours, mine, have emerged countless
satrapies and new watches
and exorcisms.
They have marked my steps
of corpses,
invented discourses of power to offend.
in wheeled vehicles and stormed the Romans
have gone, I forgot.
The caves are also brothels, objects of memory,
other corners of skinny dogs,
pulgoso turbid physical and perceptual
[ House of lust ]
Section macacoa We fell, we can see how Dzur Lopez takes very significantly the psychological and emotional impact of the discourses of power and outrageous and data invasions in history in periods ranging from "Asia proconsular of tyrants" through Arabs, Turks and Romans to the present. There is social man begins to say: "I dropped the Chahuistle / and the changa fucked me."
As part of the element 'vagabond', not surprising coincidence that Lopez Dzur says about lust. "That sucks and this is what urges us to reappropriate the smell, the flavors change pests, the decomposition of carrion, for true spiritual preferences. It is no coincidence that the text on the caveman lust preceding obsesses me Owner of my nose, did you notice? Change the order of the poems in my books, over and over again, even when I have them organized in indexes, but these two go together. I can not lie without a caution lust olfactory priority and the redefinition of what is' pleasing aroma. " The man is an animal offering. This is encouraging, it means he loves and fears, but not always what offering is pure ... Say that the smoke from the hypocrites civilized their hedientes incense, "bothers my Zorreras ... They live near me / and their smell foul / I hate. "
Also we observe that the metaphoric symbols of plague, changa macacoa or droppings that permeate the book, in the same section, lie ia need arises hygiene by washing. The section closes with texts "as a laundress" and "As an atoning." Much that is washed, it is to atone for having been in complicity with the plague, the lusts and epidemics. The smell of blood parasites. "Atonement is a form of internal cleaning. The exterior washing, such as clothing or genitalia, is another ritual exorcises unclean "suggests CCD.
In his reflections on what it means by filth, no Heideggerian overtones. The man has spent much of unclean smell or "the factuality of what has been that encompasses the future, however, does not learn to live without anxiety." The trend is misleading shrink as atonement, but the atonement "not torturing a volunteer, but a practical wash, for I say that climbers do not need doctrines of the end of the world or tormenting chores. The best way to experience this is to sustain hope, not a transmundane beyond, but they concur coexistence past and future into our present. Did not repeat the past, but to get it out in our lives has been perversode. The past hurts and slows us is that we despercudir, remove dirt, because there are ideologues in the archaic which we decorate their recurrence and sell it to us. " CLD
said that each individual human life is an experience of the sacrificer and the offering, the company or its model civillización are our heights of Mount Moriah and, in many ways, it summons us for a mandate to raise ax sacrifice. "In every family, we are asked (by reason of service to the country) to a son in the war and supposedly for 'democracy and freedom. " That's not very different from the bloodshed on pyre of firewood, which is told in the biblical myth of Abraham, the father. That is the epitome of my aesthetic. Lord called the Sacrifice and today I ask men who do not even believe in the Lord ... "
With the Patriarch Abraham, the poet represents the future of authentic existence, overcome stress and what worries the unrest. The Charles-Abram denies accepting an inevitable fate as a finite, and learn the process of its historicity. This is what conveys the washing process as atonement for despercudir wash and purify up to see and experience "what is" what Plato called it Bello-in-itself and Well-in-itself, "this is" all things that we postulated as multiple "now" the postulated as being a unit, according to a single idea, and call each one that is "[ VI, 507b]. Like Heidegger, the poet concludes that the ideal of the Beautiful-in-itself and the Good-in-itself, as the real thing, which is a price. It is not given away all of a sudden. "And the first impurity to overcome," argues Charles, is the fear of "hidden basis of the historicity of Dasein, which is finite, being-toward-death."
Lo Bello-in-itself and the Good-in-itself ews for washing and believe that the existence authentic is the resolution of the finiteness of the existence of power-be, not only freedom, but a power-be platonic, that freedom from trivia or brutality of everyday life, it is the very ideal of the Beautiful-in "Well, yes and in-itself. "Nothing is free in everyday life, we must go through the anguish, sometimes the worst teachers, but teacher at last. The anxiety is the condition implied by radical quenching of mind is anxiety ... We must drink from these cups before the bitterness that is the future. In this wash, no fad but a duty of sacrificing self-conscious ... In the poems about the axes, there is one in which said
Ax said
suddenly to the offering of burnt offering absolute equality
not outrage you,
I suffer, and do not know, I'm human, but I found
beyond your death ...
I'll give you the eternal pleasure of obedience
the love of the gods out of the cave
ego, blatant, and the hoodoo
of humanity will no longer
whim. "
In "Proceedings of the cavernosal" meditates on the passage of the magic-aesthetic to the political-Ennomus to an understanding of ethics. The natural man, in certain environments and situations that could be called "primitive" was capable of inhuman sacrifices, only conceivable in animals. The cave reports reflect the absence of beauty in the perception of relationships, or the time of its indeterminacy. There is an understanding of unity, or as Diderot wrote in his Research on the Origin and Nature of Beauty, that the soul can unite the ideas you received separately. However, CLD analyzed that, "after the big screen of causal indiscernibility can be explained by varying degrees of similarity in the micro level ... there are also realities veiled, hidden, there are directions and new foundations of possibility ...
"The Poet (as the founder of the word) use the troops, or "direction" as an expression redireccionalización original content or to take other content. This process is valid in language, science and life. Abram is a trope living. Once he was in the cave, and celebrated elsewhere, because the troops involved movement, change, recombination and adoption of new content that were not originals, as when the most primitive chemistry to be transmuted new entity in physics ... And when we talk about existentialism and humans, this process troplógica recurrence is not without pain and without cancellation of something else ... Remember that the man is a mixed. Your mind is a crystal that receives lots of lights and images. The man is afraid to go in secret and leave the security of the known ... The hope is that, although there is no political will, it is the knowledge of ethics ... You know that prostitution, the manufacture of arms, religious and tribal wars, epidemics and the progressive loss of individual freedom and introspection, are poor and constitute the Great bankruptcy. The fate of a human being I am talking about in this book "(cf. vid " Talking "with Carlos Lopez 'The Freethinker' ). CONTINUOUS
auditors authorities / Poems / Conclusions: From I vital social and altruistic to me / mostrenco and vital thing in "Aesthetic vacant and vital" / Del I vital social and altruistic to me / In The Librepensaodr / Hyenas in "Aesthetic vacant and vital" Carlos López Dzur / Talking about 'Aesthetic vacant and vital "Carlos López Dzur (2) / CONTENTS / Talking about' Aesthetic vacant and vital" Carlos López Dzur (1) / Part Three: Moving from hyenas / Carlos Lopez Dzur / vacant Aesthetics / Critical / The ay amatory lyric ego
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