Friday, March 18, 2011

How To Add Gpsphone Cheats With No Computer

Part Two: We fell macacoa / Aesthetic vacant and vital

Part Two We fell macacoa

Men Being male imperial Dionysian

Nergal Being the parent of another well
The ethical self
Blood Thirst The dialectic of Ojo de Apolo

Faustolo Nibelung, fox
good meal
give yourself in Ionia, Anatolia Anne
animal Wisdom Karma

Riquelme Watch the girls, Mom
Minerva, power
When the vultures come
The Aesthetics vacant
The Baals
As a washerwoman
As an atoning


imperial Men As the sun
obsessed demon, and soles insane
he clinched the man of great vitality,
the hero who rejects
death and sorrow, the man passed, which said pyramids

and immortals, which
do not see any
but going to fret, but ...
sees himself immortalized ...

Bravo in the Tigris river,
said: The woman does not exist.
In Nineveh, was manager of Kings
and therefore boasted Babylonians.

The man ran from the Caucasus. It passed the Caspian
and drove
manga girls from the camps.
He took advantage of them and now exist
silly at risk,
and are like the whore of Judah for guasca
to the door, waiting for their infamy
like his joy)
and Asarhaddón and children,
mischief charge, invaded
and imitated the whips
of Assyria.


In the stew of hours
men of the empire have been
and go for the count
and pillage
love on the set of days.

From the new barn (where greed does not rest)
measure the wealth and income of men

still smell like their caves and they know it:
God, if faith does not embellish nothing.
The sun is the enemy of your home. There is no easy consolation

if the enemy is to love him. 06/27/1985


Being male Dionysian

To me, because I'm male
and I want to be and is beautiful pain I rule,
explore the roots, women smell and overflow
seeds, look at the challenge of chance as a fish-espermajo
, first love said
I'll be like joy,
original pitch, abandoned
the quantum leap
and your children will love and kiss
your bones before you want to kiss

and they love me.

Then, with his first love,
licked my cheek,
closed my eyes and were happy, the passionate

and boasts secrets, intersubjective
loved me and I wanted. Want

me or not, came the faith,
or her wine, the hot drink

and the unknown.

blessed my mouth open
thighs and belly
cradled my blood and my passion and
name they called, it was not me who did it,
identity and pride, our family,
Carlos, your being with possibilities ,
Dionysian julep, Your whip,
your way out of yourself, your night and my


to me, because I am male and I wanted to be
before he came
night with their children, the stars, before hurrying
the demonstration
to seduce every secret thing,
gave me love in the circular mirror
stars and I speculated, without listening to
world and I knew father
unreturned images of silica, perhaps only promising

underground voices of
learned to lie and were just looks, undocumented
words, an apparent mismatch, glass
simulated interrogation
crooked mirrors, where other
distorted mentidos, quedaban
con chumbas extremidades
y chata credulidad,
barrigón que no tenían semblante
y con información deshonesta
se permitieron certidumbre.


Ser el padre

Yo no. Yo era padre antes del menstruo
y escapé de la luna volátil
y sus correspondencia de aséptica lujuria
y del rumbo de penumbra
y a esos espejos, mentirosos,
tolvaneras cognitivas de lo impuro,
dejé como a Sara en la sal
de la hecatombe
y fuí el rejego que pulsa
los mecanismos transgresores.

En los espacios unívocos, lineales,
que la Razón instrumental only assumed,
before they were born that I call,
Carlos, Abram, my father plucked me ax
dividing and saw the child
glorious and desirable.
I saw beyond the mirror
days. 03/01/1990


Nergal Nergal to plant
As his empire in the Erebus Babylonian winged lion
its skies wanted
belief in our world.

A human head resists,
illuminating the beheading ax.
in hell is king, proclaimed
in history, armed tyrant, the Sinarcas
perfect in his palace.

But being in another being sought,

accident transformed the dialectical "self" of their substance.
power to act
strives for new forms,

determinations and should be humble about his lonco
and die and be reborn again.

... but the war is revenge
of the Night, the son of Chaos
which denies any organizational unit,
his glory and movement
harmonious aesthetics.

binding to tieniebla, preaching,
against fear and rest without supreme causes
with others,
is when there is a hell of consciousness.

Nergal / Hades, causes abyss
liberating, active humanity, perpetuating
humiliating cave.
Nergal, the god beast
Revenge of dragons and Tyrannosaurus, you
and still exist in the world



Toad another well

But also, with presence
5.000 years, was the cradle of men
with ax
offenders who said, well I'm from another frog,
of casquilucios, I depart ,
am the researcher, the bill
gentle girls, more melodic wailing harp
and most noble of desire
and say what I dislike the world to
the majority,
to Order
the mirror. 22/06/1985


The ethical and faith I
competing for the gold melted,
the other Nile, and their values \u200b\u200bchange
, inauthentic , and the river
his ways are the same device that opens
nationalized their swords into space
ethical heart, fertile,
your heart, Kierkegaard, the ethical self
that breaks
in importance.

cast their privileges against you,
because I said NO
and jumped to the faith and ensuring



protesters left her smoothie powder keg, blood protest.
He was a prophet and spoke between Ionians, Greeks and cavities.
said NO to Timocrates with cults supposedly enlightened
NO to leaders of signal and tambourine and dogmas
hedientes sell-in decks and consultations and tomes,
in oracles, cabal,
sessions of lust and genocide organized market for intellectual

or more knees
century after century.

A NO to the Martinists,
secret societies, Masons;
call them dead and scared
with its own rites and siren.

A NO to the esotericism of cosmic aspermia
and rattles and rattles and suppositories
that the pale saints
for mystics juleps served in the ass.

moral purification that is almost crime and scourge
provided by the inquisitors, smarties
agarrapendejos, blasphemous.
A NO to protect against mockery

and holy and pure.


darkness cycles

... Not for All Humans as self-degraded Into Aristotle / Kant bestialilty, experience not is a sense perception, it is the active interaction of the mind with the universe, of Which it is part: Bruce Director <.em>

darkness cycles degrade people.
The forest, with its mountain
fixed stars, are formed. With sharp segurejas

hit outside the temple, brother hurt
and hide in their homes
yellow wood, moralona.

As hard pijojo are
the timid of timocracy
and go hardcore
by virtue of accomplices.

apologize and make the seraphic
in collective psychosis goblins
with pastoralists,
yellow, skeptics such as Hume,
beastly, and are relevant objects
to darkness, to caves, authorities
by deception, discontinuous.


Be The dialectic of

GW Friedrich Hegel
The output of the universal and empty to the exterior and particular, and the denial of particularity, and the return to universal. Therein lies the Idea return home (bei sich). The spirit is thus the substance, which is in itself and abstract, to the status of a subject capable of being self-conscious: GWF Hegel

En el Comienzo era una sed,
una sed sabia, pero salvaje y ciega.
Una sed que no sabía de sí
todo lo que es el agua,
una sed que no sabía del todo
cuán bello es el desierto,
pero una sed de anhelo,
y en el anhelo estaba su sabiduría.

Estaba En Sí como si fuera cautiva
y sólo, por estar En Sí metida, no saltó
al seco, escueto, hecho del Para Sí anhelado.
Parecía una Sed árida, desértica,
sed con raíz en el yermo de la Nada,
inhóspita sed boqueando por las aguas,
reclamando el aire húmedo, verse en raseros
de Tierra y en cúspides de montañas.

But it was his potential moment that is claimed
themselves as subject, because we knew in Yes, but worth

consummate and relentless development. Had the internal vibration.
She was wise, but still not for himself
in becomings not breathing still did not know or break
uncertainties and wanted, because it was a wise Sed.

and outer nature, perhaps because he pitied
told Thirst:
Verne, touches come down on me, I sail,
I am the river, I lick the flavor of the Earth. And the wise

Be Riding High Land for himself, but began

Water was very thirsty, thirst was thirsty, thirsty
was dry and refused to drink

concreación potential and was not afraid of everything when
dispersed and alienated himself and broke
chains and thus fell into the water Sed.
The water was named the throat of his being and made
odyssey of mind, starting bid

achievements and thirst gave a specific name of baptism:
Realisierung, oh, this is the name
my thirst, be real particular
be no split, to be recovered
for wholes ...

... and flowed into the water and said: Good morning,
loved water, and drank the land
taste and salt and sand seas
and said: Good afternoon, dear land,
and looked up in the air when it got dark
and said good night , beloved air.
And the thirst became home and knew Idea Thirst,
so it was wise, although he was alone with

asphyxia and injury to his throat dry. 08/23/2004

Ojo de Apolo

... It is the investigator, Investigating, how I is Investigating What is being investigated. Or, as for Apollo, Who sings in Shelley's Hymn, "I am wh Which the eye beholds the Universe and knows Itself Itself divine 'Bruce Director

When light signal break with
the heavens and in the caves is filtered,
unexpectedly, the eye of the ray
speaks to the listener and says that passion is active
(and controls the movement
and not hiding in lethargy),
go, dwarves,
and investigate what,
through the eye of Apollo

A rush to the quick,
awash with ambition, even if they swallowed

punishments of the underworld. Let
caves. Escudríñenlo
everything. Grow

lows Teutonic hearts
scale and will be warm with goat wool.
subcobijen again in the darkness underground, moles with future
Scandinavian gnomes.

If the shortage of sun
put in shadows,
out, remove the snow,
derrítanla with sighs and fog. What the future holds

and borders require tender

their little bodies of rats, goblins. 03/01/1987


Pinch Salt

Nibelung, Alberich, the Nibelung
That will exhibit in London, Lucy
Wanma, with your two point six crumbs
tall. Madame
Teresia, corsa insignificance
not ever say: I hide.
Ray is calling all
as ax and
not Stop.
line movement was not triggered until now

find the path of change and traces the transformation

and the future and shudder.

Come out, worms Jacob,
light, the eye of the researcher, they need outside

of cavernous
anxiety to start the canciónde
joy. 06/01/1987



to Eliut González Vélez

These were the gods of Our Earth,
Eliut, nemoral angels, nymphs
of forests and streams, Taino
they cast their bells ringing and armed
calabash and drums with his smiling
joy, Ceres-Omnia
of areito among thickets. In my forest

his psalms and his god, was as wet kiss
unleashed rain, warned the storm

Windward Caribbean routes

be captain because he knew of sailors to the rhythm of canoes and Sambuc
, the lovely, long hair had
and primitive innocence of my tropics,
I found them naked, smelling of cassava, a culen
to pennyroyal, working with her nails,
weavers, patients, owning his own .
They had gods, men and gods, invisible
that, like them, danced in the water, floated
in heaven and in vertical task, gave
rain on fields, threw
blessings to the earth, conjured
to perpetuate their sweet ecology.

cemíes They blessed their gods and flutes

born gimp sincere melody, psalm and breath

vibrating the very geography of the Caribbean. Oh

stud soles!

eyes blessed you with a multitude of related compartieon

cassava bread-and agape and the general welfare,
collective, tribal joy.

still small in the vast universe
on moons are recycled for hope
inherited woe!
new heavens and survive in the clay ...


Faustolo, fox good

One of the King 'shepherd, Faustolus, Appeared and saw the Children Being miraclous fed in this way, Took pity on Them: Pierre Grimmal

One can not grab
of reality without leaving the basket
you browse rivers

of uncertain directions and palate feelings of chaos. What hand

me out of zucchini,
if they live, what
nipple will get into my mouth?
throat sips What I am,
revives me with kisses?

slips to the bottom of my mouth thanks to the birds and the meat
open their holes and supports her bread
sighs and vocation of breath. You

, Faustolo, Fox well, teach me to thank

the fruit of the fig tree.
(Who say first mother
the river that runs to the hills, the fox
udder wide and hairy?)


give yourself in agape

Metaphorically, the Gold's name is Applied to Any Place Which Offers Opportunities of getting rich or Acquiring Wealth Quickly Easily: Dr. Ebenezer Cobham Brewer

Wherever a paradise, a dream of abundance
that enchants the heart, inspire
deep prayer of noosphere, do not carry the mocked
learned, blood
seed, treacherous sense
selfish lust
sailing with his drive wave.

Oro City is a landscape
sun burns not for meat
beast is Amazon

flowing within and not external. Wherever

dress with endless delight and fruit ...
be humble, give yourself at meal
all the stars, not greed, heart
pirate lazy thirsty boots
grief because the Common Good
is external evidence is on the watch and not blessed by
always thieves. 05-30-1979



I say: Ana-Tolia Ionia:
"Open up more," geographic center of joy,
come to my island in assault, without remugo, pulps
intravulvares go to your song.

praise your West whether to me
penetrate, or assimilate. Neither the Nordic
assigned you as much privacy as under bridges or the South
Doric so fascinating
gave me your crouching and your mythology
and you Ephesus and Smyrna
phocean in Miletus to Samos.

This was the beginning of love
and beauty in full
and master's eye, and foxy smell,
you fatter every hope, my mare. We talked for

bridge between Asia and Western Europe
And I waited at a point on the curve at infinity


When Ana was laid on the sea of \u200b\u200bMarmara
at the time of Pergamum and Bithynia,
I was in love with his body and did not tell
black bitch,
whore filth.

She was a Greek face profiling,
a statue of meat
nod because the body is but a way forward
wet lips.

Me minted their coins, gave me kisses and passion
a curve in the form of asymptote,
and I separated her thighs to make them tangent
sprung open and goings
to meet
Aegean and yes,
loved because he loved me before the Romans.


that bitch-whore filly-mare
the adored as my own defensive reflex
Lidia asymptote
... and said: Teach me

bring everything under her dress;
the fewest runs, flies

charm and looked jealously,
below the navel and I knew so that others
given to the Medes and Persians
rival was Alexander the Great
and tattooed on his buttocks.

explored Bosporus channel.
In fact, tattooed bandits
Cappadocia, Pontus merchants,
all wrote up their cancer.

I buried the primum mobile
in through the Dardanelles Strait
and rested on her breasts and yet,
confessed: I'm not holy already, but the Widow
with a weeping eye and the penalties
another chimed your joy.

After you come and little by little,
flatten me, takes your pulley
in my vagina and give love
remote as abundance Puritan
though you scream.

You are holy, Ana,
and pride of my confederations;
will be ionic because it is abundant,
being good, not hurt. 05/17/1988


animal Wisdom

There Were Romulus and Remus found by a she-wolf, Which Had Just Given birth. She Took pity on the two children: Pierre Grimmal

With my slut next door,
I never had fear.
Devoted to her bosom, Estiva,
knew that there is no Chamuco.
Pain is half-wise, unwise
whole, the virtue
originates in the know.

If she avoided
expansion of each pitch
sly look on the world, its offspring,
their burrows, I adapted.
understood that food is scarce, but love
Godliness is a mystery animal.

I never had fear.
was impassive, as love requires;
was angry too, before the violent predator
that takes your
territory and language and haunts you. Even

haunted houses in history, children in the caves
and knowledge, the notion of cunning and self
with blessing me nourished. 09/12/1990



Charles Darwin

One day he went for directions
hazard (oh god that comes and goes!
but God always comes back)
to the dry and saw the pain
the cactus and nettles and torment
and even if they knew about the exodus ungrateful
blessed departure, your ad nutum huyilanga
and come back, he learned to crawl
the good thing is nicer than what was bad and hard

stubborn as stone and soil condition and foundation of support

called up acorns and
road and knew that there
sweet things in the mud and more
loved him and God and man
understood because there are, Instead,
the unloved and curse
and pay for their karma
pain with knives and
sting and they are, mimes,
leeches, mites
of Erebus.



You are not Kantian, Riquelme.
're a hairy spider, kiss
of guava, fruit cut short.
proclaiming: the substance is subject and the subject is

substance and hugged you, calling
possessed, rattles
the devil, the trial of power that conceals

sacred order of misfortune.

're the fox, teen female virgin
eras, curiosito, intemperate
like substance
beautiful precious stone shining
and thighs open and rose.

talked about things
itself (which is your inheritance Hegelian idealism
your absolute motion) and

were too funny to hear you dunce
and courtiers Midas of those worlds of blues
perceive your glory. Eras

a nymph that adorns the gardens
Wilfrido, in Barcelona, \u200b\u200balthough
for you
the legend was born feminist, your singing, jugglers
and for your sake, said
born again, Beauty,
again be avenged, fox-girl. 12/07/1990


Watch the girls, Mom

Mama Juanita, no more
collars against the curb. Old
Ionia, and will not have a majority
; unbroken
be uncouth animals
of conuco; prohibit
our songs from the skin;
we cut the tongues.

Ocllo Mama, no more Hiles.
not sow light Damn the Sun
was cassava and taro.
not be master of the calf.
speak with the tongue of piracy.
That lazy, Mamos,
no thanks, we are told, and with his finger
accuse you,
sell you in the days of darkness and despair
Anglophile and lies.

With horny penis, more virtuous

disgrace to your daughters in the mountains in your zeal
and your joy.


Minerva, power

to Athene noctua / Steinkauz der Minerva / Glaucopis

It better come the winged woman with red hair.
The Rome hates: Roma as the fratricidal Adama
That woman come to look
ojilúcida, lively and penetrating, you see even in the dark
the brazenness and violence that hurt us today. To call back
self-possessed, Atrina, the indomitable,
Essenes, the vigorous, the recursive Hippie
in the stables.
That leads us to seek peace with
(which fleeces are more valuable than gold that
yearn for love and not advantage or greed, is not it, Eirenóforos?

That haunting beauty queen
that at night seems
vamp who seduces and with an eye to
insolent and boastful, violent to the Earth. Let him come

which has power, who, as Nike gives

victory in defeat because we are plague
and lime, are in the twilight
and nobody knows "owl see at night as"
"owl see at night as '.
And of messianic flight, what remains to be symbol
in protection of deliveries? What of intelligence?
The owl of Minerva, you basilisk, Dialectic.

them come both in
generous opportunity and are above, not on man's navel;
total, females are fertile and legs opened
the pain that prevails in our traditions
when they went. Queens
we call Dea sancta, regina, victrix ...

Adama / Red Earth come: Minerva /
Lilit / Owl / Women of War. Minerva
as Power. The raptadora. Traoga
and Reason, Dialectic,
his philosophy. 12/02/2000


When the vultures come

A beautiful destination than the present, asked
to your existence, that with me
beam as stolen to bring
Olympus fire, your godly song.

to spread the light to rural villages in the shadow, the cave

dormant in crevices of pure sham.

you be the hero, without surrender

when the vultures come to eat your liver and ask for the salt tax

and fumazga.


vacant Aesthetic

If you, for love of art, exercise-imitative
resources erotic
life beautiful and reminds reasons
Plato in "The Banquet", I say YES to the symposium .. .

If for the sake of theatrical egos caused
purifications public catharsis
for others, I'll be there
as Aristotle, even if it differs
for the love of Socratic aesthetics ...

If you are entertained with ghosts
carrying something of transcendental beauty,
to go back to medieval cathedrals,
or the myth of the Grail, or the strange things
Giotto's painting,
I say: NOT BAD,
entertain me, but perhaps
build me fairy tales,
pink worlds, to live
man submitted into inaction and fear, doomed
their monsters, vampires
interiors that make no sense, that
Hermeticism prohijan treacherous, evasive,
my question is: Where was the kindness and comfort? What

blood circulates as a profound aesthetic
serve me to imagine what is necessary, although there
to go digging into the hidden
, providing
effort and love in the way?

will not want to be there, or talk, or be complicit.
... because there are people who build these worlds
with foolish dreams, people who are
empty, or perhaps even
enough and they love themselves,
are buried in
subtle worlds external to the neighborhood and continue fucking
nobody dares to go and ask relief,
"give me a hand friend, comfort me. " 06/07/2000



The truth of time is another error:
Ch De Montesquieu

have been my socio-economic truths
and my god is called the Lord of the Earth. And my moral
, hacendataria aristocracy.

between Baal baal I and my god
provides rain fields. Baal
validates my crops.
favors my fruits and my purchases, the owner has been
on Palestinian soil. His law governs us.

gives his truth my slaves. Da
the temple and house in the cities for the rent I
territories and profit.
In sacred prostitutes he presents me rest and rejoice

Other Travellers do not treasure the land.
We do, we are living in hills and plains
; Arab Yahwism
have come to rob, to maldedir our Baals.

His truths are ways perdidizos:
a god with a strange name, Yahweh,
challenges us, provokes us, we transgress.

The southern routes calls to the Canaanite:
not sell the land because it is mine.
not compromise the truth. Truth is one.
whole earth is mine. Y
every woman will be my new priesthood.

Hey, Palestine. Yahweh is jealous. And the truth
foreigners arrived to change everything
not validate our laws from Earth.
conspire with truth lies.
condemn the moral of the lusts.

We have called executioners with their mouths
of Amos and Hosea. Hey, Palestine:
no divinity in your idols,
no virtue in your habits.
Yahweh, Elijah's voice, condemn you.
from today will be another reality
and faith in Palestine. 06/14/2000


As a washerwoman
All poets

infected and contaminated by a desire to speak,
drafts of early syphilis
adventure open your mouth and get the first word
that they want and do not know
that utterances are full of frivolousness
the speech is usually a
epidemic and that the vaccine must be
light feet and the road, sangrandor, the goal of washing.

can not be a poet without silence,
without going to the river and penetrate deep in the cave
, there wash, rinse, wash
as a laundress, there
brush and plenty of soap and hygiene
up blood, if necessary,
there with nimble feet to springs, streams furious
to the falls, there
silence left by torrents
and back, deafened, humble to the city,
of fools, with only the words
essential and a clear memory of hate
diluted in the slops. 11/14/2004


As an atoning

walked in the innocence of the world thrown up without finding the cancon
my happy
tremble before the ax, I do not know
who is called to break my lyre, or break my hands. I tremble at

who gives me life and I wonder
for the stones to
arising out of the temple, that poem
to pity myself and my laughter will return
Isaak without starting my lonco
and empty my yungulares

Who will teach me to spy my fault
cream, who will give my bones stanzas
? I do not know, I still shudder. I collect firewood

verses for my sacrifice and climb the mountain
the hand of my father,
the world. 11/15/2004


hyenas in "Aesthetic vacant and vital" Carlos López Dzur / Talking about 'Aesthetic vacant and vital " Carlos Lopez Dzur (2) / CONTENTS / Talking about 'Aesthetic vacant and vital "Carlos López Dzur (1) / Part Three: Moving from Hyenas / Carlos Lopez Dzur / vacant Aesthetic / Critical / The oh! amatory lyric ego / Of Teth / "Teth turned 33 years": Carlos López Dzur. / In THE LIBREPESADOR / Cucumber Mayors / Cucumber Mayors


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