Sunday, March 6, 2011

Can A Sinus Infection Give Oyu Diarhea

Water, a matter of life or death

"Water is a social good, so there should be no private water," said Carlos Seara, hydrogeology expert geologist.

"In Cordoba, we use about 400 gallons of water daily per person in urban areas. Is it a reasonable amount?
-In view of the climate system, annual rainfall, recharge basins and population density, one would decrease consumption by 50 percent.
"In some localities (Laboulaye, for example) the household water supply is piped differentiated. For one, water for human ingestion, and other non-potable, irrigation and cleaning. There is also a tendency to put meters. How effective are these actions?
-are ways to avoid waste and reduce costs in the decontamination process and demineralization of water.
-common sight in public places or private place signs in their parks that say "well water irrigation own." There may be wells on private property but is there private water?
-Water is a social good, so there should be no private water. The wells on private property should be subject to a control system by the official body exercising police powers.
- What is the general condition of watersheds in Cordoba?
"In general, provincial watersheds are seriously degraded by deforestation, fire, rally, tourism, space occupancy and growth of mountain villages without planning.
- "The most affected?
-mountain forest loss is a constant in all basins, like fire. The appears to further deterioration in the San Antonio River, but did not lag behind the dam La Quebrada and the Golden Water River

- What is the main threat to the water in the province?

-Córdoba is the province that has less water per capita. It is estimated that the availability is 3.9 square centimeter per second per capita. If cities continue to grow Cordoba anarchic way, we have no water for everyone.
- Is there an awareness that water is a human right, not a commodity?
"I think that simply by opening the tap and get it, we've never imagined the extreme situation of not having it. Therefore we were not concerned that their distribution was privatized and since that act is transformed into a private business. To see this we must refer to the number of attendees at the public hearings convened by the increasingly Ersep proposing a tariff change.

- What to do to assimilate it as a right?
"That means that everyone has access to it without cost, or a small fee to cover treatment costs. Also consider that the water should be in the hands of users through a cooperative system. This is a personal opinion that has nothing to do with the legal, that are not my concern.
"We need a citizenry more engaged in cultural change on the use of this resource ...
"No doubt that social commitment is essential. Society must get involved, really, as it did in Cochabamba (Bolivia), a little over 10 years giving back to the citizens the right to use water and property.

- Care of the water and the environment is part of the technical, political or ecological?
"It's a topic: technical, political, ecological, but basically it is a matter of conscience and education. Of consciousness because of cultural aspects becomes antiquated and education because only loves and defends what is known. Open your mind to knowledge is homework.

"You participated in various gatherings of citizens summoned to defend their territories against various threats, such as in Andalgalá megaminería. What is your reflection on them?
"When governments and authorities do not care about defending the rights of citizens, is the people who have to go outside to retrieve everything that you have taken. "There
opinions of geologists to ensure that mining does not consume water it uses, recycles and returns. Are there environmentally safe mining?
"There is no sustainable mining, this is an industry that extracts natural assets and not replenished. For water, such as La Alumbrera mine in Catamarca, uses 100 million liters per day and then returns polluter polluted. These liquids go to the "tail docks" and thence to underground aquifers and the polluter. With megaminería are many environmental risks. From Spain, coined the term "backward" to define the environmental groups and other groups opposed to the clearing, mining, project developers, etc..

- Environmentalists slow the progress?
"I favor the name" environmentalists "instead of environmentalists, is more comprehensive and better defines the role of the groups. Natural resources are finite, if not defend the voracity of globalizing capitalism and stateless, our country will be totally destroyed and then not be interested in being "back" or progressive, because it will have taken everything.

"Argentina has a considerable reserves of groundwater. How much impact the glaciers in these reserves?
"Many of the undercurrents have links with the mountain water that is produced by melting snow, ice, glacier and periglacial environment. Irrigated oases of Mendoza, San Juan, La Rioja, Catamarca, in many cases are supplied by groundwater from the glaciers of the Andes. Western Groundwater Cordoba, especially on the border with La Rioja, have a source that comes from glacial melt. Artesian Basin of Bahia Blanca is not explained if it is not linked to the mountain waters.

"Many NGOs began to incorporate the concept of" water footprints ", reported for example that develop a tomato in Morocco needed 13 liters of water for a glass of orange juice, 170 liters for a cotton shirt 20 thousand liters, it seems a waste. Is it avoidable?
-The data are valid but can not be computed in the way they do, much of that water would evaporate without providing any service, because it corresponds to 30 percent of rainfall that inevitably returns to the atmosphere . It is likely that industrial processes, changing the systems, to introduce water-saving alternatives.
- Will future wars will be over water?
-Currently there are very strong interest on water and its consumption, as well as many towns, cities and countries that have difficulty with the supply of water, scarcity or lack. Over time the situation will become more critical. There is no doubt that future conflicts will be generated. The water wars are a possibility because it is a vital element, a matter of life or death.
-Guarani Aquifer (shared by Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay and Brazil) would be the first freshwater reserve in the world. "Their quality can be affected by any pollution of the rivers that form, like the Paraná?
-Guarani Aquifer is very deep and confined by impermeable rock layers, therefore not affected by the pollution of rivers. With what needs to be careful of contamination is through the perforations where the waters "good" can be mixed with the "bad" as a result of poor insulation.


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