City Zoo capital of Santiago del Estero is one of the most cruel ways to subject animals. then we let the complaint made to Gobernandor of the province for almost a month ago: This was done by: Guillermo del Corro (Forest Engineer). of Yapita some pictures, a copy of dying African lion and a total state of neglect, dating back to late March.
Santiago del Estero, 28 March 2011.
To Mr. Governor ; ; ; REF: MALTRATO A LOS
Provincia de Santiago del Estero ANIMALES IN THE ZOO
Dr. Gerardo Zamora
S. , / D.
Mr Governor, my name is Guillermo del Corro, I am forest engineer and I work as a clerk in the Municipality of the Capital * . For this I am writing to let you know one other troubling reality, which deeply affects the animals that inhabit the Municipal Zoo "San Francisco de Assisi, as much as a small group of peers, abused inadmissible and who, as a private citizen, as a professional in the area as a municipal employee and a former manager of the zoo, " I can not, nor should silent ". My conscience and my feelings dictate my actions I, which in this case is to act quickly and to achieve success in the shortest time possible, the changes necessary to end the injustice posed.
The administrative "internal" in the municipality is "exhausted" by virtue of that dialogue in the different seats is "fruitless" and that the legal route of "record" is looming, "unresolved" about it. (File No. 518 D of 09 / 03 / 2011.).
At the exit of former Mayor Julio Alegre me I was offered and accepted by the zoo, getting the attention of the convening authority (Mr. Alberto Villaverde), acting on the basis of a "radical change" in all matters relating to that "embarrassing" fact that, like many, knew long ago. This was how I ended a number of irregularities that made the zoo was a "private business" of a group of employees, while I was recovering its appearance and functionality. This group represents approximately two-thirds of the total stock of zoo, ie about twenty (20) people. Far to accompany the process of change, this group exerted outright opposition as putting "stick in the wheel" in their power generating extreme situations of all kinds, coming to "strike "For more than two months, with the threat of" burning decks "and" waste shed "in the" feet "of the President of the Nation, in his visit to inaugurate the Cultural Center of the Bicentennial. They had the full support of municipal union "SUOEM" in the person of its Secretary General "Carlos Casagrande", mainly.
But to "noble" zoo back to our society and the support and commitment of the small group of employees (including volunteers), with true dedication to service and great love for animals, coupled with real and effective support engineer Villaverde, motivated me, at that time to continue with the company, a recognized "very complex difficulties."
After eleven months of hard work, on the eve of the arrival of the President, I was notified my reversal of the zoo and the same was in charge of the "blacksmith" José Carlos Sain (employed permanent staff of ten (10) years of seniority and status twenty (20), " ringleader" of the opposition group . He put the then Acting "Secretary of Economy "commune, the current" President of the Deliberative Council "Juan Manuel Beltramino CPN, by personal friendship (apparent " a posteriori " of events). As a reward for his" complete ignorance " on "wildlife management in captivity, it benefited with the category "24" and "overtime", which constituted a flagrant disregard "many" in the city, and jeopardized SERIOUS ABOUT ANIMAL LIFE ITSELF, a situation that led to the "death" several of them for "inability to DEAL" . Immediately
taken office, the "smithy of zoo" committed itself to the construction of paths "bars" for a property Beltramino counter, and the condition of "impunity" and "power" that awarded the blacksmith him to disclose, to boast inadmissible, such work as usual.
the only "power" I recognize people is that of "authority" given by the wisdom, ethics and morality, while worthy. The "office" we awarded "responsibilities and obligations", no power. The counter claim by Beltramino I "always" had not mentioned such a relationship of "friendship" with the blacksmith, in meetings aimed at solving these problems at the zoo with Mr. Mayor and other officials area. The confidentiality of spoken, was circumvented and violated by such action. Something of "manhood well" would have done much good ...
On Saturday 05 March next I also had knowledge that the day before had Thursday 03 dead adult female of the small herd of deer Dama dama (called "Bambis") for "whiplash for abuse" in an attempt to "cure", an act in which the blacksmith had active participation Sain, medical and veterinary Beatriz Fachini employee Jose Luis Silva, in the presence of other employees and visiting public the zoo. For this action I have done "ANIMAL ABUSE CRIMINAL COMPLAINT, in the person of José Carlos Sain blacksmith principal responsibility for the death of the deer, both in his capacity as" Manager zoo "as a" participant "in the arrest to" tie the neck (hanging) and immediate death of the animal. Fundamenta denounces such total lack of suitability of that person to be "in charge" a zoo and similar events in advance, for the same reason. Remains to be seen share the responsibility that the MV Beatriz Fachini, present at the event.
The report has been submitted, by jurisdiction, the First Branch of Police, the same day, March 5 this year. The case will be taken to court by a law firm environment.
I have to struggle until the last consequences, for a change "final" condition of the zoo and the stability and safety of employees who "provide" for that change, in short, a reality .
There are many examples of mistreatment of animals at the zoo. In these months, several weekends fruit and vegetables has reached only to "third" of the normal ration, and has given the order to feed the carnivores with meat available, "in bad condition, with employees to "wash" away the worms, hundreds, invaded the food. For non-routine tasks by that group of "allies" to the current manager, other employees are obliged to curb efforts to present acceptable terms, zoo visitors, which is not done, obviously .
made it clear that I reliably in the "will to change" del Sr. Intendente Hugo Infante y de parte de los funcionarios del área como la Arquitecta Nilda Mishima, por ejemplo. Lo ocurrido es responsabilidad directa del actual encargado e indirecta de la M.V. Beatriz Fachini - por razones obvias - y del CPN. J.M. Beltramino, por su intervención en la designación de esta persona ”neófita total” , como encargado del zoo. “Zapatero… a tus zapatos“, reza un sabio dicho popular.
La vida del más insignificante de los animalitos del zoo, justifica plenamente mi accionar.
I have to use all media and all animal welfare organizations in my reach, if the above has no solution within "immediate" that fits.
accompany me in this fight "uneven", the unrestricted TRUTH and COURAGE grounds that group of employees who dare to give me the necessary information to act accordingly. (The above is merely a synthesis of reality).
It is imperative the creation of a new "human resource" to the zoo, with qualified personnel with true vocation of service and love for animals, and the development and implementation of a project "ambitious", that granted the status of recreational space it deserves, in addition to providing the professional care and animal environment appropriate for each species requires.
Governor, fully convinced of his commitment to the future worthy of our province, according to the times we live in an all shown on the large number and importance of the work performed and pluralistic politics that characterizes it, and under the reality that there is a government "Joint" between the Municipality of the Capital and the Province is that I turn to you to have knowledge of these events and, if it deems, in support of this effort, which is also the desire many citizens.
Yesterday afternoon, a large audience, the African lion PRESENCE stunted, and staggering INVADED AND FLY AS "dying."
Thank you for your attention and Yours sincerely.
________________ Guillermo del Corro
ID :........................
* Address Urban Conservation Areas - Weekend Shift - Permanent Plant - Category 20 - Seniority: 28 years - File ........
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