How beautiful is love! I love celebrating Valentine's Day, and more so with a small cake to enjoy with our love!
Well, it is a strawberry cake, and that's how I did.
4 eggs 2 cups flour 2 cups
sugar 2 shot glasses of olive oil or sunflower
1 envelope yeast A little milk strawberry
Meremelada Adornitos
The first is setting the oven to stop and while we beat the big boy eggs in a bowl and add all the sugar.
When you are batidito lavaditos we take the strawberries (and without the green) and grind it with milk a little something, nothing, a glass or two of shot.
I add to the mixture.
removed it.
And now little by little we will add the flour and stir, and stir more flour and more flour and stir, and little by little so it does not make us balls.
When you're all well beaten we add a couple of shots of oil.
And finally we put several fresoncillos into pieces.
Now we spread a source with oil better than butter and bake at 180 degrees for half an hour.
As has left me because my heart mold is a bit small since I have taken the mass putting it in muffin pans.
Half an hour after it all that comes out golden brown, you have to assure a thin stick (like the skewers) that the dough is made on the inside but not harden! This task has taken me a while until finally I have cojido the trick and I riiiiicos biscuits are rich.
Well when it has cooled stripped everything upside down and see how it looks the strawberries!
Like strawberry cake entirely known because we only have to decorate a little jam, more strawberries, some sugar hearts, I found at Carrefour and are indeed great, and some leaves mint!
I have this saved Cupid give yourself some time, came in a small cake that I bought my maridÃn few years ago and I keep it as gold cloth, is the icing on the cake! You see, how happy and is prepared to nail his arrows of love for another year.
mmmmmmmmmmm this is my piece and now we go to lunch hearts!
I hope you liked and you had a HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!!
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