Paris-Dakar Rally, the destruction of nature to entertain the rich kids in Argentina and Chile
left motor vehicles and high tonnage from the French port of Le Havre (France) to join the caravan of more than 600 cars, motorcycles and trucks will participate in the Paris-Dakar rally 2011 in a tour that includes the territories of Argentina and Chile. Are about 10 000 km are destroyed each year and further to question the killing nature, are intended millionaire sums of money and manpower to hold the event which involved the spoiled children of the rich world. 
Note that this rally was interrupted in 2008 due to pressure to do the peoples of Europe and Asia so as not to further develop their land. But the power exercised by the automotive policy is over so that the French government was forced to use the excuse of alleged terrorist attacks prepared Al Qaeda, was at that moment that ran South American governments to provide the Southlands to provide court to continue destroying the rich kids the planet pretending to be brave.
Meanwhile, various organizations have expressed opposition because of the level of destruction, pollution and economic costs involved in the completion of the event.
episodes that support the stupidity
The history of this destructive "sport" began in 1977. Frenchman Thierry Sabine got lost on his motorbike in the Libyan desert, returning to France turns its near tragedy in an organized business for over 30 years in European and Asian lands.
suspension Eastern land races was announced through a statement of the year 2008 by the ASO (Amaury Sport Organisation) "The Lisbon-Dakar Rally has decided to suspend the 2008 edition of the race due to insecurity in Mauritania by Al Qaeda terrorist threat," said a statement read by Europe 1 radio . Meanwhile, the director Étienne Lavigne stated very distressed "terrible news. The Dakar-2008 will not. The Dakar is played but the Dakar is standing. " Also, wanted "to thank all participants. You are the legend of the Dakar. You have made history. And the story is not finished, "he said.
Argentina's provincial governments have not wanted to stay out of this campaign millionaire. To consider only the previous version to the provinces of Buenos Aires, La Pampa, Santa Fe, Córdoba, San Juan, Mendoza, La Rioja, Tucumán and Catamarca, this year, Santiago del Estero given territory, a province recently mobilized by the invasion of entrepreneurs to take over the peasants from land. The circuit finds that vehicles pass through the mountains of Ojo de Agua, a place discovered by the son of the organizer of the Rally of Argentina, Pablo Eli, and a friend, John Di Chiara, 40 hours were lost in the salt mines of Santiago del Estero in August 2009. His car was trapped in a marsh.
be lurking considered for future versions of the Paris-Dakar Rally are the provinces of Chaco, Salta and Jujuy. So much has been the level of hallucination, that other governments want to provide their territories such as Peru, Bolivia and Brazil compromising the humid pampas, the Andes highlands and lungs of the world as the Amazon and Gran Chaco Sudamericano
Scientific concern exposed
considering the South American land as play space, the first to express concern were environmental organizations in Argentina and Chile met in Mendoza for consideration several points detailing its position on the event " The wheel drive vehicles, or 4 × 4, are the vehicles that consume larger amounts of fuel per passenger / km / transported, 40 times more than public transport and 20 times more than a private vehicle designed for urban areas. They are also more weight and volume and therefore constitute a greater risk to road safety. Without doubt, are expensive and very harmful toys, which are also used abusively in areas where there is no justification for it "arose in a statement. A point made the third consecutive year of the race, the Argentine Secretary of Tourism Enrique Meyer, in press conference with director of Rally in May 2010 indicated with enthusiasm "for Argentina to have again with the Dakar is a dream come true."
The fact irresponsible has called professionals who have reported concerns about the frivolity with which governments operate. Foundation Area Director of the City of Mendoza, Horacio Chiavazza, noted in 2009 that "Many of the sites that archaeologists have worked in foothills and especially in the northern plains (Lavalle, Santa Rosa), center (San Carlos) and south of the province, are in places that will be tours of 82 trucks, 188 cars and 230 motorcycles (excluding relief and assistance teams), it is easy to predict that in the itinerary occupations will pass by very old, more than 4,000 years. The destruction may be irreparable. " For his part, Dr. Adolfo Gil Natural Sciences Museum of Natural History in San Rafael, added at that time "any activity regulated out of roads has the potential to affect the environment and the archaeological record."
As there are no shares of the Argentine government's concern regarding the allegations itself Professionals Association of Archaeologists Argentina (AAPR), through its president Norma Ratto, Tucumán, has made several warnings in complain mode. "The Dakar is an endurance race than a rally conventional vehicles (trucks, cars, motorcycles, etc.), travel through lands where no roads exist, but must make the path to walk. " Ratto's own doctor to make known the position of his organization, asks: "Where, in this view of government facilitators, promoters and sponsors, are placed the articles of the General Law of the Environment to determine the environmental policy national security law 25.743/03 of archaeological and paleontological and provincial laws regarding the issues mentioned?. "
Another, an incompetent tribunal
The history of the Paris-Dakar Rally in Argentina and wrote his episode of death in the 2009 version died in Cordoba, Natalia Sonia Gallardo of 28 who was a spectator of the contest, was killed by the German pilot Mirco Schultis This striking fact is that the court of Rio Cuarto fiscal Walter Guzman, after making the case was filed, argued, "The conduct of the corridor is typical of a race and she was in a place where it was not possible to locate ".
It is shown that the laws governing national coexistence tranza the highest bidder and is the home state who violates them as in the case of Argentina disobey several points where the national constitution that has to do with guarantees and safeguards the homeland and its citizens (see box).
how long the world's rich will have the right to make and unmake in the territories that belong to them and violate the constitutions of the countries?.
Beyond the environmental damage to be avoided, the authorization to hold the event in that environment protected, and that realization itself, violate environmental protection laws and constitutional norms that support in various aspects :
1 - violate the rights, duties and constitutional guarantees Art. 41 Const. Birth, Preamble, Article 46, 70, 84 and 85 of the Const. Pcial ..
2 - violates the law n º 2669 of protected areas in its principles and objectives of the Preservation, Protection, Sustainable Development and Environmental Education, at least.
3 - violate the rules of the Management Plan and to the Resolution No. 252/06 of Codema established tourist circuits allowed, under certain guidelines and specific legislation to be breached by competition.
4 - violates the 3266 law Environmental Impact
5 - also violated the Wildlife Act No. 2056, as soon as they violate its principles and objectives of protection, preservation and conservation wildlife (Art. 1,2,3 and ccdtes. law cit.).
6 - violates the 2631 law, which adopts the principles of sustainable development and contains clear directives on the conservation and preservation of the environment, being able to highlight the statement that the provincial government "will act preemptively to prevent any of public or private enterprise in its territory, even without full scientific certainty, be presumed to cause, or there is a risk of causing "serious or irreparable damage to their environment" (art. 5 inc. f).
7 - General violates the National Environmental Act No. 25,675, which establishes the minimum budget to achieve a sustainable and appropriate management of the environment, preservation and protection of biodiversity and sustainable development implementation. Pedro Herrera
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